Car Emissions Lawyers - The Original Emissions Claims Lawyers

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Category: Diesel Emissions Claims

Daimler Mercedes emissions scandal
September 15, 2021

Mercedes-Benz emissions settlement approved in US class action

A Mercedes-Benz emissions settlement has been granted preliminary approval in a class action lawsuit in the USA. The agreement between Mercedes-Benz and law firms has reportedly been reached following consumer claims against the carmaker, which alleged that diesel vehicles had been fitted with systems that may have manipulated emissions. This could then allegedly allow them to produce amounts of Nitrogen oxide (NOx) gases that exceeded the legal limits.

The claim in the US case mirror allegations against Mercedes and its parent company Daimler which span across the globe, with millions of vehicles suspected of emissions irregularities. Many accusations against Mercedes have their origins in the Volkswagen “dieselgate” scandal from 2015, in which it emerged that the well-known manufacturer had been cheating emissions tests by means of illegal software known as defeat devices.

As pioneers of emissions litigation, we initiated the first High Court proceedings against Volkswagen in 2016 in England and Wales and have since been fighting to ensure that car owners affected by emissions scandals can recover the compensation they deserve. We believe that the Mercedes settlement in America bodes well for our own action against the company, so affected victims can sign up today if they want to join the fight for justice. They deny any wrongdoing here still, and claims are at a much earlier stage as investigations into allegations continue.

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AdBlue and NOx emissions
September 08, 2021

We are taking on Hyundai emissions compensation claims

Since the Volkswagen ‘dieselgate’ scandal hit the headlines in 2015, many other car manufacturers have come under scrutiny regarding the emissions output of their diesel vehicles. Hyundai is one of a range of earlier carmakers to be subjected to allegations of excessive NOx (nitrous oxide) production, having reportedly been fined in 2014 over the fuel economy and carbon emissions of its cars. We are  taking on Hyundai emissions compensation claims to ensure that all those who may have been affected by any alleged deceit relating to ‘dieselgate’ scandal types of issues can achieve justice.

As with others, the carmaker denies any wrongdoing. As advocates of consumer rights, it is important to us that all the emissions allegations against carmakers are thoroughly investigated in order for us to help as many affected customers as possible to achieve the justice that they deserve, where the law has been broken.

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Nissan and Renault emissions
September 01, 2021

Suzuki emissions compensation action

Soon after the news of the Volkswagen “dieselgate” scandal broke, carmaker after carmaker became implicated in the growing allegations of emissions fraud. Volkswagen was only the first of many well-known manufacturers to be accused not only of breaching emissions regulations, but also of deliberately cheating testing by means of illegal defeat device technology allegedly installed in their diesel vehicles. Having been subjected to similar allegations, Suzuki is also under suspicion, and we are investigating the carmaker as part of our Suzuki emissions compensation action.

As pioneers of emissions litigation, we were one of the first firms in England and Wales to formally take on diesel emissions claims against Volkswagen, and we were subsequently appointed to the Steering Committee responsible for the overall conduct of the VW Group Litigation Order (GLO). Using our unique expertise in emissions claims, we aim to ensure that all guilty carmakers are held to account, and that as many affected owners as possible can access the compensation that they deserve.

If you have been affected by the Suzuki diesel emissions allegations, you can sign up today to launch your No Win, No Fee compensation claim.

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vw emissions scandal
August 25, 2021

Peugeot emissions compensation claims

It was revealed in 2017 that PSA, the manufacturer of Peugeot and Citroen vehicles, was being investigated by French prosecutors after its offices had been raided. Under suspicion of cheating emissions tests, Peugeot became just one among many manufacturers to be scrutinised over the potential use of alleged defeat devices and excessive emissions output. If the vehicles are found to have broken regulations, claimants could be eligible to recover thousands of pounds in Peugeot emissions compensation. The carmaker, like others, denies any wrongdoing at all.

The “dieselgate” scandal shook the world when it was alleged in 2015 that Volkswagen’s diesel cars may have been fitted with technology that allowed them to pass emissions tests. Later, it was proven that these cars were producing volumes of NOx that exceeded the regulatory limits, which had gone unnoticed due to the use of defeat devices.

We were one of the first law firms to bring claims against Volkswagen in England and Wales, and we later played a key role in the litigation after we were appointed to the Steering Committee responsible for the overall conduct of the Group Litigation Order. Our experience in emissions litigation means that we have the expertise needed to take on your Peugeot compensation claim.

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Your Lawyers Mercedes emissions
August 18, 2021

Mitsubishi emissions compensation action

A member of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance, Mitsubishi has become implicated in the emissions scandals following long-held suspicions and recent investigations by German prosecutors. Like a number of other major car manufacturers, Mitsubishi is suspected of allegedly using a form of defeat device in its diesel vehicles as a means of cheating emissions tests. We have launched a Mitsubishi emissions compensation action to further pursue the allegations and take on claims for the potentially affected owners. We represent owners pursuing legal cases with us on a No Win, No Fee basis.

In 2015, the Volkswagen “dieselgate” scandal hit the headlines, with allegations that the manufacturer was guilty of emissions fraud. This subsequently gave way to a series of similar accusations against other reputed carmakers. Now, many manufacturers have been claiming that they were working towards a more eco-friendly future of vehicle production, when in fact they may have allegedly been in breach of emissions standards.

Any car manufacturers who have breached emissions regulations may have consequently broken consumer law. If it is found that Mitsubishi owners were deceived regarding the emissions output of their vehicles, they may be able to recover thousands of pounds in compensation. As things stand, they deny that they have committed any wrongdoing at all.

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lawyers in group action
August 11, 2021

Kia Emissions Compensation Claims

In 2015, Volkswagen found itself at the centre of the infamous ‘dieselgate’ scandal after it was accused of using illegal defeat device technology in order to cheat emissions tests. Seeking to avoid the pressure of meeting regulations on NOx emissions, the argument was that Volkswagen had developed a device that allowed it to disguise the true emissions output of its diesel vehicles while undergoing testing. In the wake of the scandal, more and more manufacturers were subjected to emissions fraud allegations, including South Korean carmaker Kia, against which we are now taking on Kia emissions compensation claims.

Your Lawyers became specialist Car Emissions Lawyers through our pioneering role in the Volkswagen emissions litigation. Sensing the potential to take action against this potentially huge violation of consumer rights, we were one of the first law firms in England and Wales to formally register claimants. Soon after, we initiated High Court proceedings against Volkswagen in early 2016.

We have since been pursuing group actions against several other carmakers, and Kia has been added to the list. It is important to us that all cases of emissions fraud are rooted out, although it is also important to note that Kia, like others, strongly deny they have done anything wrong. If you think you may have a claim, you can use our online form today to find out whether you could be eligible to join the fight for justice.

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jeep grand cherokee emissions
August 04, 2021

Jeep emissions compensation action

We are investigating and taking on claims for a proposed Jeep emissions compensation action following accusations of emissions fraud against the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) group. FCA, a parent company of the Jeep brand, is alleged to have cheated emissions testing, which could be by means of illicit defeat devices, although the carmaker strongly denies any wrongdoing at all.

The allegations against Jeep are similar to those made against a number of car manufacturers, all of which emerged after the news of Volkswagen “dieselgate” scandal that was first reported in 2015. It was discovered that Volkswagen was suspected of using defeat device technology to disguise the emissions output of their diesel vehicles, meaning they were producing much more NOx emissions than regulatory limits allowed.

Your Lawyers has played a key role in the Volkswagen NOx emissions litigation. We were one of the first firms to formally take on compensation claims for clients, and we were later appointed to the Steering Committee responsible for managing the Group Litigation Order (GLO) on behalf of the claimants. Now, we are seeking to achieve justice for clients who may have been affected by the actions of over a dozen car manufacturers. Anyone who owns or previously owned an affected Jeep vehicle could receive thousands of pounds in compensation if they make a claim.

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Mercedes emissions claim in the UK
July 28, 2021

Your Lawyers win landmark Supreme Court case in appeal related to Volkswagen emissions litigation

Following a monumental four-year legal battle, the UK Supreme Court has ruled in favour of Your Lawyers after a lengthy appeal case against Harcus Sinclair was concluded. The case initially arose from an agreement signed by the two firms in relation to the Volkswagen emissions litigation.

Unfortunately, Harcus Sinclair subsequently failed to honour the agreement made with Your Lawyers. Your Lawyers has been trading as The Car Emissions Lawyers since 2015 when news of the first “dieselgate” scandal hit the headlines, representing thousands of owners claiming against a range of carmakers in England and Wales.

Aman Johal, lawyer and director of Your Lawyers (The Car Emissions Lawyers), expressed his relief at the ruling: “This is such an important victory for Your Lawyers but also for the dignity and sanctity of the legal profession. We have lived and breathed this case for four long years and were forced to take the matter all the way to the UK Supreme Court simply to oblige a law firm to honour an agreement that they freely entered into.”

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new eu rules for vehicle manufacturers
July 21, 2021

Honda emissions compensation

Honda is one of the many car manufacturers that we are investigating over allegations that its diesel vehicles may have allegedly breached emissions regulations. In 2015, the Volkswagen ‘dieselgate’ scandal became the trigger for revelations about potential widespread emissions problems across a large number of major carmakers. Those who own or have previously owned Honda diesel vehicles could be eligible to claim Honda emissions compensation if allegations are proven to be true.

The majority of carmakers implicated in emissions scandals are suspected of implementing some form of illegal defeat device technology in their vehicles as a means of cheating emissions tests. Where this is the case, carmakers will not only have broken emissions regulations, they may also have breached consumer rights law. Of course, carmakers strongly deny that they have done anything wrong, which is why we are carefully investigating the matters.

When we began taking on VW emissions claims in 2015 and initiated High Court proceedings against Volkswagen in 2016, we knew that the Volkswagen allegations were only the tip of the iceberg. We now want to use our experience in emissions litigation to hold any and all deceitful car manufacturers to account. If you claim compensation in one of our group actions, you will be doing your bit to see that justice is done if cheating has taken place.

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Your Lawyers Mercedes emissions
July 14, 2021

Our emissions compensation actions

Since 2015, when it was revealed that Volkswagen’s diesel cars may have been emitting far more nitrous oxide emissions (NOx) than allowed by emissions regulations, we have been pursuing claims against car manufacturers on behalf of affected vehicle owners. We knew that the Volkswagen dieselgate scandal was only the tip of the iceberg, and many major carmakers have similarly been subjected to allegations that they may have cheated emissions tests. We have launched several emissions compensation actions in our effort to ensure that all those who may potentially be affected by car emissions scandals can access the compensation that we think they deserve.

So far, only Volkswagen has been found to have used defeat devices in the courts of England and Wales, and we initiated High Court proceedings against the company in 2016. In the subsequent actions, we want to use our experience of emissions litigation to hold adiesel vehicle manufactured ny other potentially guilty car manufacturers to account.

Where carmakers have broken emissions regulations, they may also have broken consumer rights law. You have a right to expect that manufacturers and dealers are honest about the vehicles they are selling to you. As such, where they have breached this duty, you could be eligible to make an emissions claim with us to ensure you receive the compensation that you deserve.

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dieselgate action deadline information
June 30, 2021

Alfa Romeo emissions compensation

As a brand owned by the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) Group, Alfa Romeo has fallen under suspicion regarding the potential use of illegal defeat devices in its vehicles. Although the specific models have yet to be fully identified, it is believed that hundreds of thousands of FCA vehicles may have been affected by emissions irregularities. We are taking on Alfa Romeo emissions compensation claims on the basis of the current allegations of alleged deceitful practices.

The ‘dieselgate’ scandal first shook the world in 2015, when Volkswagen came under fire for the alleged use of illegal defeat devices, installed in the manufacturers to allow them to cheat emissions tests. As a result of our pioneering work, Volkswagen has now had a finding against it in the High Court of England and Wales.

We are now working tirelessly to ensure that as many affected vehicle owners as possible have a chance to claim the compensation that they deserve. If you own or have previously owned a potentially affected Alfa Romeo model, you may be able to join our action to fight for justice. They, as with other carmakers, deny that they have done anything wrong.

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fiat chrysler reject emission claims
June 23, 2021

Ford Emissions Compensation Action

As one of latest car manufacturers to become embroiled in the car emissions scandals of recent years, Ford has come under suspicion following allegations that it may have used illegal defeat device technology. As we continue to investigate the allegations, those who own affected vehicles may be able to claim Ford emissions compensation. The carmaker, like others, denies any wrongdoing at all.

After Volkswagen was implicated in the dieselgate scandal in 2015, a number of other manufacturers were similarly accused of manipulating their cars to pass emissions tests in some way. The majority of carmakers have been associated with excessive nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions allegations, and the accusations against Ford have also linked it to allegations of the overproduction of carbon emissions.

If it does emerge that customers have been deceived regarding the emissions output of their vehicles, there may be a case for a Ford emissions group action, in which claimants could recover thousands of pounds. We have been invested in the fight against carmakers over such allegations from the beginning, having initiated High Court proceedings against Volkswagen in early 2016. Now, we are determined to ensure that all those affected by car emissions scandals can access the justice they deserve where allegations are found to be true.

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Our Diesel Emissions Group Actions

If you are looking for representation for emissions problems related to Nissan Renault, Porsche and many others you can go to the following advice pages to find out more:

Nissan Renault Emissions




Porsche Emissions




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