Car Emissions Lawyers - The Original Emissions Claims Lawyers

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Please note we are unable to proceed with claims involving BMW, Dacia, Ford, Honda, MINI, Mercedes-Benz & Mitsubishi.

Have you owned or leased a Mercedes-Benz car or van first registered between 2009 and 2020? You may be able to claim.

Please note we are unable to proceed with claims which fall outside of the English & Welsh jurisdiction.

Have you received notice that your vehicle required or requires a recall?

Is your vehicle fitted with an EA189 engine, or a newer engine?

The deadline for claims for EA189 engines passed in 2018, and claims settled in 2022. We are unable to take any claims on for vehicles with EA189 engines. We are able to take on claims for newer engine types that are NOT EA189 engines.

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Category: Diesel Emissions Claims

fiat chrysler reject emission claims
June 23, 2021

Ford Emissions Compensation Action

As one of latest car manufacturers to become embroiled in the car emissions scandals of recent years, Ford has come under suspicion following allegations that it may have used illegal defeat device technology. As we continue to investigate the allegations, those who own affected vehicles may be able to claim Ford emissions compensation. The carmaker, like others, denies any wrongdoing at all.

After Volkswagen was implicated in the dieselgate scandal in 2015, a number of other manufacturers were similarly accused of manipulating their cars to pass emissions tests in some way. The majority of carmakers have been associated with excessive nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions allegations, and the accusations against Ford have also linked it to allegations of the overproduction of carbon emissions.

If it does emerge that customers have been deceived regarding the emissions output of their vehicles, there may be a case for a Ford emissions group action, in which claimants could recover thousands of pounds. We have been invested in the fight against carmakers over such allegations from the beginning, having initiated High Court proceedings against Volkswagen in early 2016. Now, we are determined to ensure that all those affected by car emissions scandals can access the justice they deserve where allegations are found to be true.

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bmw diesel anomalies
June 09, 2021

BMW emissions compensation

Ever since the Volkswagen “dieselgate” scandal first emerged in 2015, we have been investigating allegations of emissions cheating made against a number of car manufacturers. BMW is one of the latest names to be added to our list, and is believed to be associated with the Volkswagen emissions scandal, as BMW is alleged to have colluded with Daimler and Volkswagen in order to restrict the emission controls in their diesel vehicles. Following fines and recalls in Germany, we believe that the allegations have enough weight for us to take on BMW emissions compensation claims.

Like other carmakers, BMW denies that they have done anything wrong and, at this stage, we are investigating allegations.

With our unique experience in emissions litigation, we are expanding claims to include a number of other manufacturers, including Ford, Vauxhall and Mitsubishi. We are determined to make sure that as many affected owners can access the compensation they might be entitled to, so you can register your details today to find out whether your vehicle may have been affected.

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Nissan and Renault emissions
June 02, 2021

Nissan emissions compensation claims

Nissan, alongside associated brand Renault, is currently the subject of investigations into the alleged use of defeat devices in its vehicles. The allegations, born in the wake of the Volkswagen “dieselgate” scandal, concern the debate over whether or not Nissan has used illegal defeat device technology to disguise its vehicles’ non-compliance with emissions regulations. If it is confirmed that customers were deceived regarding the emissions output of their vehicles, they may be able to make Nissan emissions compensation claims.

After a court case in which we played a key role in, Volkswagen was found to have been using illegal defeat devices to cheat emissions tests. The allegations of deceitful emissions practices now spread widely across the car manufacturing industry, and while they have yet to all be proven, we are determined to ensure that all suspected manufacturers are thoroughly scrutinised in order to root out any wrongdoing.

Nissan, as other carmakers are doing, strongly deny that they have done anything wrong. Our investigations will determine if this is the case or not.

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Mercedes emissions claims settlement
May 25, 2021

Emissions compensation pay-outs

The sequence of car emissions scandals over recent years has shook the world, provoking significant distrust towards the global car manufacturing industry. Group actions have been launched in numerous countries against several notable car manufacturers, including Volkswagen, Jaguar Land Rover, and Mercedes. Millions of pounds in emissions compensation pay-outs have already been won for some carmakers around the globe, and we continue to pursue cases here in the UK.

Carmakers in the UK are refuting that they have done anything wrong. Our investigations should determine if this is the case or not.

If you own or have previously owned a vehicle alleged to contain a ‘defeat device’, a function that could allow vehicles to cheat emissions tests, you may be able to claim compensation for being mis-sold the vehicle. We understand that it can be shocking to learn you have been driving a car producing excessive amounts of harmful NOx, but we are here to help.

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emissions compensation claims claim investigation
May 19, 2021

Diesel emissions claims – our investigations into carmakers

As one of the first firms to take on Volkswagen diesel emissions claims, we have been investigating diesel emissions claims ever since 2015.

The dieselgate scandal was born when Volkswagen was accused of using illegal defeat devices to cheat emissions tests and, soon after, a number of other carmakers came under suspicion regarding their alleged breach of regulatory limits on emissions outputs also. As the allegations begin to extend wider across the car manufacturing industry, we have recently begun even more emissions investigations into several other carmakers.

Beyond the potential environmental and health implications, this is also a severe consumer issue as there may have been many breaches of consumer law on an unprecedented industry scale. If it is found that you were deceived when it comes to the emissions output of your vehicle, you may be able to recover thousands of pounds in compensation by making an emissions claim.

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Our Diesel Emissions Group Actions

If you are looking for representation for emissions problems related to Nissan Renault, Porsche and many others you can go to the following advice pages to find out more:

Nissan Renault Emissions




Porsche Emissions




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