Car Emissions Lawyers - The Original Emissions Claims Lawyers

Sign-up to an emissions group action today - use our quick and easy form to start your claim for thousands of pounds in compensation.

All Emissions Deadlines
Have Now Passed

Please note that all deadlines have now passed for filing claims related to the Dieselgate emissions cheating scandal with us. We can no longer take any new claims forward.

However, you may be eligible for compensation if you used a finance provider to purchase a car, van or motorbike before the 28th January 2021?

Visit our PCP CLAIM CHECKER site to see if you are owed thousands of pounds in compensation!

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Tag: daimler

dieselgate action deadline information
January 19, 2022

Mercedes-Benz and Stellantis exhaust gas emissions: findings in South Korea

There has been a finding reportedly made in South Korea in relation to Mercedes-Benz and Stellantis exhaust gas emissions being “rigged”, the media is reporting.

Thousands of vehicles are said to be affected for models of the two brands. Fines could now be issued, and mandatory recalls may also be initiated.

Although this is a story from another continent, it serves as an important reminder as to how the emissions issues are far from over. A great deal of work still needs to be done to get to the bottom of the allegations that dozens of carmakers are facing.

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Mercedes emissions claim in the UK
April 21, 2021

What is a GLO?

As specialists in group actions, we often represent tens, hundreds, or thousands of claimants in the same lawsuit. We can bring group actions when multiple claimants are affected by the same breach of their rights, such as when they owned a car affected by emissions irregularities. When we believe that a group action is large and strong enough to be better managed and formally recognised with the court, we can apply for a GLO, as was done in the case of our Volkswagen emissions group action.

But what is a GLO? In short, GLO stands for Group Litigation Order, and is the term often used for formally recognised group actions here in England and Wales. As a claimant, you don’t need to know all the ins and outs of the legal terminology, but it is important to know how you can register for a GLO and what this means for your claim.

We make it as easy as possible for our clients to register their claims – you can use our online form today to check your eligibility for a car emissions claim quickly now.

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Mercedes emissions scandal compensation
February 17, 2021

Do you have a Legal Case for Mercedes Emissions issues?

Have you been contacted by Mercedes to inform you that your vehicle is part of a recall or is in need of a software update? You could be eligible to make a legal case for Mercedes emissions issues, and we may be able to represent you on a No Win, No Fee basis.

The Car Emissions Lawyers are here to help you. Our team of expert lawyers has helped thousands of people recover millions in damages. We were appointed as a member of the Volkswagen Group Action Steering Committee conducting the litigation in the High Court of Justice, in 2018. Our lawyers are committed to helping you get the justice you deserve.

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lawyers in group action
January 13, 2021

Start your emissions compensation claim today

Start your emissions compensation claim with us today – find out now if you could be entitled to claim with our No Win, No Fee representation.

If you have been involved in any of the recent alleged emissions scandals involving car manufacturers such as, Mercedes, Nissan & Renault, Porsche, or Fiat, you could be eligible to make a compensation claim with us today.

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emissions tests
November 10, 2020

Action over carmakers passing emissions tests through cheating

The European Commission currently has tight emissions tests and regulations in place for light–duty (cars, vans) and heavy-duty vehicles (lorries, buses), and for non-road mobile machinery.

Over the last few years, with the introduction of higher standards, the legal limit of NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) has reportedly decreased by almost 70% for diesel cars.

Unfortunately, to meet these tighter restrictions, some car manufacturers stand accused of using ‘defeat devices’. This can be a type of software that can allow vehicles to restrict performance and pass their emissions tests, but allow for far greater emissions levels when being used on the road. The scandals stemmed from the original VW “dieselgate” issues that came to light in 2015 that has resulted in the High Court making a finding that the technology they used is a defeat device.

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No Win, No Fee Mercedes claim
October 27, 2020

No Win, No Fee Mercedes compensation action

We are pursuing a No Win, No Fee Mercedes compensation action for anyone who may own or lease, or used to own or lease, an affected vehicle.

Daimler is accused of using technology that amounts to a defeat device to allow vehicles to pass emissions testing but pollute far more dangerous NOx than they should. We are confident enough that there is enough evidence and information to pursue the action, which is why we have launched legal cases.

We are working on a No Win, No Fee basis. Here is how this works.

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affect vehicle performance
October 13, 2020

Can ‘Software Updates’ and Recalls affect vehicle performance?

Can software updates affect vehicle performance? If so, what can you do about it, and how can we help as expert Car Emissions Lawyers?

Several car manufacturers, including VW, Mercedes and Nissan and Renault, are alleged to be involved in emissions scandals. Allegations are that engines can produce far more NOx emissions than allowed by European regulations as a result of the testing regimes being cheated.

To pass the emissions tests put in place, manufacturers stand accused of using ‘defeat devices’ that can do things such as detect when the cars were being tested, which can alter whether the emissions controls are engaged or not. This can mean that, on the road, the actual emissions could be far higher.

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By Contributor
emissions from Mercedes vehicles
September 29, 2020

The dangers of alleged increased emissions from Mercedes vehicles

The potential dangers of any increased Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions from Mercedes vehicles cannot be understated, which is why our compensation action for justice is important.

We will briefly outline some of the potential dangers that can be caused to human health, and why any alleged increased NOx emissions must be taken seriously.

As a specialist firm of consumer action lawyers, we are here to hold organisations to account for any wrongdoing. That is precisely what we will look to achieve if Daimler has been cheating emissions regulations.

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Mercedes NOx emissions
September 22, 2020

Mercedes NOx emissions compensation claims

Why should you be concerned about Mercedes NOx emissions? Why is our compensation action so important? What are the risks and dangers for people?

These are some of the questions that people ask when they consider joining the Mercedes Emissions Compensation Action here in the UK. As a leading firm of consumer action lawyers that pioneered the first High Court action against VW in England and Wales in January 2016, we are well placed to tell you why claiming is important.

NOx is dangerous to human health and to the environment. Any carmaker that is found to have cheated the rules should be held to account, and owners should be compensated.

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investor share price
September 05, 2017

German authorities to investigate carmaker cartel impact on investors

The German Bundesanstalt fur Finanzdienstleistungaufsicht (BaFin) have announced they will begin investigations into Volkswagen and Daimler after allegations of price collusion and other cartel activities.

The colossal carmakers admitted to cartel authorities that secret meetings and discussions had taken place and that they reportedly did not notify investors of their activity.

Although this is not directly related to the emission scandal, it’s yet another headache for the German car giant to deal with off the back of alleged unfair practices.
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police search daimler offices
June 16, 2017

Daimler offices raided by German Prosecutors

German prosecutors and police officers descended upon Daimler offices to search for evidence after the car maker was accused of fraud and misleading advertising.

The raid, conducted by 23 prosecutors and 230 police officers, was carried out across 11 offices in Berlin, Baden-Wuerttembuerg, Lower Saxony and Saxony.

Daimler, the owners of Mercedes-Benz and Maybach, are said to be co-operating with authorities, but employees are suspected of engaging in fraudulent activity and may have tried to hide or destroy evidence. Certain “known and unknown employees” are being sought out for questioning by authorities as a result as the 250-strong German law enforcement team swept offices for incriminating evidence.
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Daimler Mercedes emissions scandal
June 13, 2017

Daimler next to be investigated over suspicions of emissions cheating

It seems that the explosive Volkswagen (VW) emissions scandal has really opened a can of worms as regulatory authorities are making their way around car manufacturers, checking for similar illegal behaviour.

Next on the list is Daimler, parent company of the luxury brand Mercedes Benz.

Not so long ago, regulators began in internal investigation into Daimler amidst concerns that the auto company was also using emissions cheating devices similar to VW’s. Not long after that, a lawsuit was made against Daimler as well.
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Our Diesel Emissions Group Actions

If you are looking for representation for emissions problems related to Nissan Renault, Porsche and many others you can go to the following advice pages to find out more:

Nissan Renault Emissions




Porsche Emissions




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