What are you claiming for in the Mercedes Emissions Compensation Action?
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What are you claiming for in the Mercedes Emissions Compensation Action?

Sign-up to an emissions group action today - use our quick and easy form to start your claim for thousands of pounds in compensation.

All Emissions Deadlines
Have Now Passed

Please note that all deadlines have now passed for filing claims related to the Dieselgate emissions cheating scandal with us. We can no longer take any new claims forward.

However, you may be eligible for compensation if you used a finance provider to purchase a car, van or motorbike before the 28th January 2021?

Visit our PCP CLAIM CHECKER site to see if you are owed thousands of pounds in compensation!

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What are you claiming for when you take part in the Mercedes Emissions Compensation Action, which could see Daimler paying billions in compensation?

Here is some guidance about why you can claim and what you could claim for. To start your No Win, No Fee case, complete the forms on our advice page here.

Mercedes compensation case: what are you claiming for?

So, what are you claiming for when you make a Mercedes emissions compensation case? What are the damages (money received in compensation) for, and what is the legal basis for a case?

The primary factor that you are relying on is alleged fraudulent misrepresentation of the vehicle that you purchased or leased. If defeat devices have been used, you were not aware of this and have acquired a vehicle that we would argue has been miss-sold to you. If this happens, the law can entitle you to claim compensation.

You could claim for:

  • Any loss of value arising from the emissions scandal;
  • Any additional costs or expenses associated with the scandal and/or any so-called “fix” that may be applied;
  •  The simple fact that you may have been deceived when you acquired the vehicle, if we can establish liability in the action.

Our £96,000 compensation claim media coverage

You may have seen Your Lawyers feature in the media in recent weeks, and you may have heard that you could be eligible to claim compensation of up to £96,000.

This sounds like a heck of a lot – we know!

What are you claiming for, and how can you claim, when it comes to this as an amount?

There is a sound legal basis for it, and we do not just make these things up. This amount is completely qualified; perhaps more so than some of the other amounts that other firms have quoted in the press.

Here is how it works.

You could be eligible to claim under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations (also known as CPUT). These regulations can allow a consumer (i.e. you) to receive a percentage of the purchase price of the good or service you received which, in this case, is the vehicle. If these rules apply to you, you could receive 100% of the purchase price of your vehicle if a court determines that Daimler has committed a “prohibited practice” that is deemed as “very serious”.

If Daimler has used technology that amounts to a defeat device that is used to cheat emissions regulations – something that they strongly deny – we would consider this to be a very serious prohibited practice. If a Court agrees, a Claimant could receive 100% of the purchase price of the vehicle they own.

Using ‘on the road’ price data from Daimler in May, the highest price of one of the potentially affected models was listed as £96,000.00. As such, there is a clear legal basis for this kind of claim.

So, what are you claiming for as a CPUT Claimant? You are claiming the full cost of your vehicle back if the above conditions have been met. This is based on regulations that are there to compensate victims of a breach and punish the offenders appropriately.

Damage to human health and to the environment

Some people think that the owners taking part in the case haven’t been harmed, and we have seen them asking: what are you claiming for, and why?

Not only can the law allow you to claim, and not only could you be entitled to compensation for the sorts of things we have mentioned above, there is also the need for general justice for what has happened. NOx is incredibly dangerous and is regulated when it comes to emissions for very good reasons. If cheating has taken place, we think it is only right for a company to be financially punished – i.e., where it hurts – for any human and environmental damage that they may have caused.

Previously, research indicated that the additional emissions from the VW ‘dieselgate’ scandal may have contributed to thousands of additional deaths in Europe alone. In our view, this is an important factor to consider.

Start your No Win, No Fee Mercedes Emissions Compensation Claim here today.

Start Your Claim Today
First published by Admin on September 15, 2020 in the following categories: CPUT Damages, Emissions News, Mercedes
The content of this post/page was considered accurate at the time of the original posting and/or at the time of any posted revision. The content of this page may, therefore, be out of date. The information contained within this page does not constitute legal advice. Any reliance you place on the information contained within this page is done so at your own risk.

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